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Stephanie Barreto

Superstar Consultant


My Story

As so many others do, I joined Scentsy in November 2011 to support/feed my Scentsy addiction!  I really did not expect to make alot of money as I have a full time position, however just by sharing my love of Scentsy products with my family, friends, and coworkers, I have been able to fund several family vacations as well as pay for Christmas without spending monies from our personal accounts. 

I love my Scentsy family and love traveling each year to a new location for our Scentsy Family Reunion.  This event is always full of fun with my Scentsy family, new and exciting product reveals, business tips and training, and of course exploring the city we are in.

I was extremely blessed for Scentsy being a huge part of my life as I was diagnosed in April 2016 with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.  My diagnosis caused me to be unable to work my full time job due to my chemotherapy treatments and the constant Dr. appointments that I had to go to prior to my transplant in December.  Scentsy allowed me to focus on moving forward as I could still work my business from home, the hospital, the Dr. office, etc. and kept my spirits high as I still felt productive and was able to contribute to our family household.  My Scentsy family kept me motivated to fight my battle against cancer as they constantly checked in with me and kept me in their prayers.

I love Scentsy, our products, and my extended family and would love to share this journey with you!  If you are interested in buying products, hosting a party, or joining my team please contact me as I am more than happy to assist you!


What's warming in my home